Wednesday 17 April 2013

UK Music Fix: Bastille

For those left wondering whatever happened to good, original pop music - i give you Bastille.  With an indie - rock vibe, Bastille's catchy and heartwarming songs have allowed them to break into the commercial market both within the UK and internationally 

The English band Bastille seem to have appeared out of no where, suddenly filling airways of multiple commercial radio stations and even having a remix featured on Adelaide's Dance Music Station Fresh 92.7 FM. After hearing and enjoying their track "Pompeii" i felt compelled to download this track, as well as see what other tracks may be available by the band.  Upon doing this i was able to read numerous reviews of their breakthrough single. One fan expressed that the song was so beautiful that it had brought her (or him) to tears.  Listening to more music by the band Bastille,  I would personally still describe their music as pop, but by no means should this leave a bitter taste in the mouth.  It's refreshing, it's unique and it is hands down good music. 

Bastille was initially a solo concept created by the crazy haired Dan Smith, who later turned Bastille into a band, joined by Chris 'Woody' Wood, Kyle Simmons and Will Farquarson.  Since working hard throughout 2011 and 2012, February 2013 saw the track "Pompeii" shoot up the UK charts to no 2., reaching no. 1 in Scotland. 

I am willing to argue that Bastille's popularity is attributed to more than just their catchy melodies, after all, if catchy melodies all that defined good music, some might say that Pitbull and Christina Aguilera sampling Aha's Take On Me was actually a good thing. (they would be wrong.)  With Bastille, there is meaning behind the lyrics, and a passion behind the vocals that can often be forgotten or overlooked.  It would be intriguing to see how Bastille's emotive performance on record translate in a live environment.   The harmonies and rhythms created by Bastille are reminiscent of Mumford and Sons and comparisons with The Fray and The Script could be made - it will certainly be interesting to see how Bastille's music and image develops with future records.

With Pompeii as a reference, other songs on the album are certainly fruit of the same tree.  Bastille have their sound defined and have managed to display creativity and variety within that scope. 

The band's next release will be "Laura Palmer" - a very similar track to "Pompeii".  Listening to the entire album is encouraged to get a more holistic Bastille experience.

Key tracks on Bastille's "Bad Blood" Album?  As well as their smash hit "Pompeii", check out "Flaws" and "Things We Lost in the Fire."